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The Cochran-Anspach house was built in 1821 by Isaiah Clark for
Thomas Cochran, one of the first settlers ofMillerstown. This was
the third stone house Cochran built.
Thomas Cochran was born in 1776 in Londonderry, Ireland. He and
his three brothers, who were Protestants, were forced to leave
Ireland and come to this country. They owned considerable land in
Ireland. A Catholic priest, who was a friend, was left in charge of
their holdings, the eventual sale of which increased their already
ample funds to the extent that the Cochrans became one of the
largest land holders in Pennsylvania. The brothers came to Chester
County and laid out Cochransville. however, Thomas came to
Millerstown in 1798.
Records state that Thomas Cochran was an an elegant looking
gentleman of courteous and pleasant manners and an excellent
penman. In 1802 he married Sophia Maria Porter of Lewistown
who was born in Londonderry, Ireland in 1776. This couple had six
The first stone house constructed in Millerstown by Cochran was
the present Veterans of foreign Wars house in 1801. Here he kept
store and a post office as well as a hotel. It was known as the
Cochran Hotel. The first sermon preached in Millerstown was by
Rev. John Liutchinson of Mifflintown in the barroom of the hotel in
1806 and was the beginning of the Presbyterian Church. The
Presbyterian Church, constructed of stone was built in 1831 and
1832 on grounds donated by Thomas and Sophia Cochran.
Cochran built his second stone house, now owned by Dr. David
Buriak, on the northeast side of the square in 1813. He kept store
in the house beside this one until 1834.
At the time of his death in 1846, when he was seventy years of age,
Cochran had vast land holdings in Pennsylvania as well as in
Missouri. tie also owned bank stock in Harrisburg.
According to his will, Thomas Cochran bequeathed the stone
dwelling in Millerstown, all household furnishings, his riding horse
and barouche, two much cows, and the income from 200 shares of
bank stock to his wife during her natural life.At her death the
furnishings were to be divided among his children and none else.
His other holdings were willed to his surviving children. To his son
Thomas Preston Cochran he bequeathed his farm in Pfoutz Valley,
also the Daniel Hoffman farm, the stone house in Millerstown on
the death of his mother, his church pew #56 and another pew #2,
which was for the use of his mother and family.
Thomas Preston Cochran was born 1813 in Millerstown. His
primary education was received in the common schools in
Millerstown, which he attended until he was ten years of age. lie
then attended a preparatory school prior to entering Jefferson
College. Due to failing eyesight he returned home after graduation
and became a clerk in his father's store where he mastered the
details of the mercantile business. On his father's retirement in
1835 Thomas Preston succeeded to the establishment and was a
successful merchant.
Later in life, Mr. Cochran disposed of the store and bought a farm
in Greenwood Township where he busied himself in agricultural
and mining pursuits. In the course of time he acquired the
possession of seven farms. In 1864 he retired and moved to
Millerstown. tie sold five of the farms retaining two of them. He
continued to manage his iron ore mining interests.
Thomas Preston was married in 1835 to Jane Patterson of Juniata
County. She died in 1836 leaving one son, Robert F. Cochran. In
1839 Thomas Preston married Rebecca Black of Tuscarora
Township who died about 1884 leaving five children. In 1886 Mr.
Cochran married Hannah Maria Kauffman, a widow from Juniata
County. After the death of Thomas Preston Cochran the property
passed to Hannah. In 1916 this lot and stone house was sold to
Hannah's son, Charles A. Kauffman. It eventually became the
property of his daughter Anna Kauffman Anspach, born in 1883,
married Irvin Anspach, a druggist of York Haven. They had one son
Irvin Kauffman Anspach born in 1909. Anna and her husband were
divorced in 1922. Kauffman and his mother lived in Harrisburg
where he received his education. They returned to Millerstown in
the 1950's. At the death of his mother the property reverted to
He worked in Harrisburg for many years but lived in this stone
house until his death in 1981. The dwelling was bequeathed to the
historical Society of Perry County. The house was in a serious state
of disrepair although structurally sound. It is being restored with
painstaking care to the Victorian Era.
The central hall with the suspended stairway is spacious. The large
front door is enhanced with a graceful double arch of six panes
each overhead. New lights of the Victorian Era have been installed
on either side of the door as well as one above the door.
There are four large rooms downstairs, each with a handsome
fireplace. There are four large rooms upstairs and one small room
to the front of the house. This arrangement was typical of houses
built during the very early 1800's. Three of the upstairs rooms have
fireplaces. The original wallpaper in all the rooms was elegant.
An herb and flower garden is located on either side of the patio in
the back of the house. The grounds are being restored to
recapture the charm of a Victorian garden. The stone burrs which
had been laid for a walk to the carriage house were grass-covered
but this unusual walk has been restored.
Restoration Committee:
David R. Patton, Flo Brofee, Marian Shade Wible
Millerstown,Pennsylvania - Cochran-Anspach House-
Historical Society of Perry County Pennsylvania